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Update time : 2024-09-05






1. 化建公司或者空分设备公司检测氧气管道、氧气阀门和氧气储罐脱脂清洗效果。

2. 制药企业对反应釜等设备的核黄素清洁验证。

3. 乳制品企业、火腿厂等食品企业对生产设备残留脂肪类物质的检查。

5. 生产电脑屏幕手机屏幕等玻璃制品的公司对产品上残留的手印的检查。


LUYOR UVA lamps for inspection

The light from a UVA lamp causes particles on a “clean” surface to light up.

UVA lamps can be used on all types of surfaces to spot leaks, pollution and particles:

  • Control of tools and machine components

  • Sources of pollution in clean rooms and laboratories

  • Check cleaning quality

  • Identification of risk areas

  • Quality control of textiles, etc.

  • Leak control in components

  • Training and testing of hand hygiene

The lamps can be used with or without the use of fluorescent liquids/powders.

The hand-held lamps are useful in many areas:

UVA lamps can detect defects in LCD screens, identify impurities in medical textiles and find surface defects in machine components etc.

The light highlights “invisible” contamination in sterile environments, surface contamination of items such as spills, leaks, etc.

Clearcoat validation

luyor UV fluorescent inspection lamps are commonly used for clearcoat validation on printed circuit boards to ensure even coverage.

Detection of hydrocarbons

Most hydrocarbons will naturally fluoresce under LUYOR UV blacklight illumination and therefore this process is absolutely essential for all oxygen vessel and plant manufacturers.

Citrus fruit inspection

LUYOR  UV fluorescent inspection lamps are used as part of the quality control process during the processing of citrus fruits. Under our high-performance UV-A blacklights, hidden contamination and bruising will be highlighted.

Hygiene and cleanliness monitoring

UV inspection offers a quick, easy and effective method for improving cleanliness in hospitals, by monitoring the effectiveness of cleaning programme’s and benchmarking.


The smallest amount of hydrocarbon contamination (oil or grease) within an oxygen vessel or connecting pipework can result in catastrophic consequences. It is literally an explosive mixture.Most hydrocarbons will naturally fluoresce under UV blacklight illumination and therefore this process is absolutely essential for all oxygen vessel and plant manufacturers.We have a wide range of UV blacklights for fluorescent inspection, your equipment selection criteria should be based on your particular process requirements:UV wavelength (usually 365 nm for fluorescent inspection applications)Minimum UV irradiance levels (dictated by working standards or ambient light levels)Inspection area (exposure should be restricted to the working area)Our friendly, helpful team have over 15 years experience in helping organisations implement a safe and effective UV light process, so should you wish to discuss you requirements or request a quotation for suitable solution, please send us a message.

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