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Update time : 2024-09-05


要维修的系统的大小也起着重要作用。例如,对于小型发电机,当发电机不运行时,可以定期进行泄漏检测。在大型工业工厂中,荧光检漏通常是一个 实施的过程。泄漏染料连续泵入系统油路中,使用特殊的计量系统进行测试。现代泄漏检测技术确保了测试设备在回路中 恒定的循环,因此可以在所有相关点测试系统是否存在泄漏,而无需人工干预。

因此,泄漏检测系统供应商的专业精神及其专业知识可确保您做出正确的投资,从而获得更佳 结果。

这同样适用于采用365nm UV-LED技术的荧光检漏灯。虽然我可以用LUV-100小型紫外线手电筒相对很好地检查发动机缸体上的 2-3 个气门,但当我必须检查大面积区域时,效率会变得非常低下。根据所使用的紫外线技术,泄漏用户不仅可以更快地疲劳,而且由于紫外线照明的不均匀性而可以忽略泄漏是选择合适的紫外线LED灯时必须考虑的一个因素。

例如,在工业领域的泄漏检测应用中,例如在航空工业中,更大照射面积的紫外荧光检漏灯LUYOR-3105D用于测试发动机等,这些发动机的照明非常均匀,因此在检测和荧光激发方面工作得更 。


UV lamp leak detection Area of application: 

The size of the system to be serviced also plays a role. For example, with a small generator, leak detection can be carried out at regular intervals when the generator is not in operation. In a larger industrial plant, fluorescent leak detection is often a permanently implemented process. The leakage dye is continuously pumped into the system circuit to be tested using a special dosing system. The modern leak detection technology ensures a permanently constant circulation of the test equipment in the circuit, so that the system can be tested for leaks at all relevant points without manual intervention.

The professionalism of the system provider for leak detection and its expertise therefore ensures that you can make the right investment and thus achieve optimal results.

The same applies to fluorescent lamps with UV-LED technology. While I can check 2-3 valves on an engine block relatively well with a small UV flashlight, it becomes very inefficient when I have to examine large areas. Not only can leak users tire faster depending on the UV technology used, but also that leaks can be overlooked due to inhomogeneities in UV illumination is a factor that must be taken into account when choosing the right UV LED lamp.

For example, in the application of leak detection in the industrial sector, e.B. also in the aviation industry, larger UV floodlights are used to test engines, etc., which illuminate extremely homogeneously and thus work even more precisely in detection and fluorescence excitation.










当然,此列表并不详尽,就像同一产品的应用程序可能不同一样。例如,一些紫外线染料只能在特定的温度范围内使用。荧光检漏方法的主要目标始终是荧光染料通常完全不影响或尽可能少地影响宿主液体。循环时间也可能是某些泄漏检测应用的选择标准。这通常在 5 到 45 分钟的范围内,但这只是一个粗略的经验法则。应该检漏剂必须安全地分布在整个系统中,因为这是确保可靠检测的 方法。

In which application areas can fluorescent leak detection be used? (machinery, hydraulics, etc.)

The application of fluorescent leak detection is almost unlimited and the use of fluorescent dyes is very diverse in the most diverse industries:

Fluorescent leak detection for agricultural machinery, construction machinery, ships and aircraft

Leak detection with fluorescent dyes in forklifts, cranes, trucks, wheel loaders, excavators and much more.

Industrial leaks can be found in pumps, rollers, drills, etc.

Inspect hydraulic devices for leaks, e.B including cylinders, valves, seals, pumps, lifters, circuits

Inspect clutches, brakes, transmission, engine, turbine, screw connections with tracers (fluorescent powder) for leaks

Monitoring with fluorescent leak detection in lifting platforms, in the field of lubrication technology, in chassis, steering systems, drive technology but also in air conditioning systems

Checking UV powder with the black light flashlight in fuel systems, shock absorbers, generators, engines, cooling units, emergency power generators, engine units, drives and much more.

Tags: 荧光检漏灯, 紫外线手电筒,

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