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Update time : 2024-09-15

近日,浙江农林大学在《springer link》发表文献题为《Genomes of diverse Actinidia species provide insights into cis-regulatory motifs and genes associated with critical traits》,文献中的实验使用了LUYOR-3415RG便携式双波长荧光蛋白激发光源观察GFP的荧光,使用LUYOR-3415RG激发光源分选阳性的毛状根。



Root transformation and VC content measurement

Healthy, semi-lignified branches were selected for agro-infiltration using the following procedure. Briefly, A. rhizogenes strain K599 carrying the overexpressing plasmid was cultured overnight in liquid LB medium supplemented with appropriate antibiotics at 28 °C until the OD600 value reached 0.8–1.0. The cultures were centrifuged at 6000 g for 10 min at room temperature and then resuspended in infiltration buffer (0.05 M MES, 2 mM Na3PO4, 0.5% (w/v) D-glucose, and 0.1 mM acetosyringone) to a final OD600 of 0.8. Branches of A. valvata were collected and cut into the segments of 5–10 cm in length using sterilized pruning shears. The base of the stems was then immersed in the A. rhizogenes suspension and vacuum infiltrated for approximately 30 min under standard vacuum conditions. Subsequently, the branches were inserted into sterilized vermiculite and placed in the greenhouse for cultivation, maintaining a temperature of 26 °C with a light cycle of 16 h of illumination followed by 8 h of darkness. Approximately 2–4 weeks after agro-infiltration, the success of genetic transformation was assessed by detecting the fluorescence of hairy roots using a portable excitation lamp (Luyor-3415RG, Shanghai, China). The transgenic and wild-type roots were collected and homogenized for VC content measurement using the kit purchased from Suzhou Grace Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China. (Art. No. G0201F).



Tags: 激发光源,

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