近日,天津医科大学与天津大学的郑斌团队在《Nature Communications 》( IF 14.7 )期刊发表文献《Microorganism microneedle micro-engine depth drug delivery》,文献中的实验使用了路阳仪器上海公司生产的LUYOR-3109台式高强度紫外线灯,实验采用了LUYOR-3109 365nm台式大功率紫外线灯用于微针制作过程中的固化。
LUYOR-3109 365nm紫外光源安装了27w 大功率365nm led,通过二次光学透镜进行聚焦,紫外光强度超过了传统400w高压汞灯的辐照强度,上市以来,LUYOR-3109已经广泛用于科研院所的科学实验室的紫外辐照,目前,使用LUYOR-3109发表的文献近百篇。如果您实验需要一台大功率、高强度的365nm紫外光源,路阳仪器上海公司提供样机免费试用。
作为一种透皮给药方法,微针具有微创、无痛和精确的原位治疗。然而,目前的微针依赖于被动扩散,导致药物渗透不可控。为了克服这个问题,我们开发了一种气动微针贴剂,它使用活的产气肠杆菌作为微引擎来主动控制药物输送。这些微生物产生气体,将药物驱使进入更深的组织,可调节的葡萄糖浓度可以精确控制该过程。我们的结果表明,这种微生物驱动的系统将药物输送深度增加了 200% 以上,达到皮肤以下 1000 μm。在银屑病动物模型中,该技术有效地将骨化三醇输送到皮下组织,从而快速缓解症状。这项创新解决了传统微针的局限性,提高了药物效率、透皮渗透性,并引入了按需受控药物输送的创造性范式。
Preparation method of single-layer bacteria-carrying microneedles
First, a solution was prepared by mixing PEGDA and anhydrous ethanol in a 7:3 ratio to make a 10 mL solution. Then, 100 µL of HMPP (1%, v/v) was added to the solution, and it was thoroughly mixed to obtain the substrate solution. Next, a solution of Enterobacter Aerogenes ATCC 13048(E.A.) was placed in a centrifuge tube, and the centrifuge was set to 3000 rpm for 15 min. The resulting centrifuged pellet was thoroughly mixed with the substrate solution to obtain a bacteria-loaded substrate material. Different proportions of glucose solution can be added to the substrate solution as needed to obtain microneedle patches with varying substrate concentrations. Subsequently, a microneedle fabrication mold (microneedle width 200 µm, needle length 500 µm) was taken, and 300 µL of the bacteria-loaded substrate material was added to it. The mold was placed in a vacuum pump for 20 seconds to remove any bubbles from the microneedle mold’s needle array. The mold was then removed, and if necessary, it was exposed to a UV lamp(LUYOR-3109, 27w LED lamp) for 5 s to cure, resulting in complete microneedles. If there was any remaining liquid not drawn into the mold’s pores, an additional 300 µL of the substrate solution was added to fill the mold. A UV lamp was used to cure it for 5 s, and the microneedles were demolded to prepare complete bacteria-loaded microneedles.
郑斌,1987年5月生于重庆,博士,瑞典卡罗琳医学院博士后,副教授,研究生导师。拥有生物工程的工学学士、公共卫生的医学硕士和生物学的理学博士的多学科交叉学历背景。随后又在德国柏林自由大学和瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院进行访学和从事博士后的研究工作。2018年加入天津大学医工院,主要从事材料化学与智能活细胞药物开发方面的研究工作,利用生物材料、基因编辑、光遗传学等手段在肿瘤、感染性疾病、糖尿病和神经退行性疾病中取得了一系列的研究进展。近五年,发表SCI论文25篇,以**/通讯作者在Advanced Materials (IF:27.398),ACS Nano (IF:14.58)等国内外**期刊上发表研究型SCI论文18篇(中科院一区TOP期刊论文15篇),累计影响因子>200。获授权发明专利3项,60余项正在审理,平均每篇论文他引近20次,会议论文和署名SCI论文若干篇,并担任多个国际知名期刊的审稿人。多项研究成果受到美国约翰霍普金斯大学、新加坡国立大学、南洋理工大学、科技日报、科学网、今日头条、X-MOL科学网站等众多机构和媒体的多次引用报道。