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Update time : 2024-10-22

近日,贵州大学在《iScience ( IF 4.6 )》发表文献《Rational Design of 2H-chromene-based Antiphytovirals that Inhibit Virion Assembly by Out-Competing Virus Capsid-RNA Interactions》,文献中使用路阳仪器上海公司生产的手持式紫外灯LUYOR-3410用于观察GFP在烟草中的表达,LUYOR-3410便携式高强度紫外线灯能够输出高强度的紫外线,大面积辐照,被生命科学研究人员用于uvGFP表达的观察,也被材料科学研究人员用于聚合物材料固化、以及各种化学材料的紫外辐照。



尽管马铃薯病毒 Y (PVY) 外壳蛋白 (CP) 的结构基础的确定为基于 CP 的抗病毒药物设计提供了可能性,但 CP 上的许多特异性残基在调节病毒粒子致病性中的作用在很大程度上是未知的,并且已发现较少的小分子药物作用于这些潜在位点。在本研究中,采用分子杂交策略合理设计了一系列 2,2-二甲基-2H-铬合金的衍生物。我们筛选了一例植物病毒杀毒素 C50,它可以与 PVY CP 的 Ser125 形成稳定的 H 键以发挥抗病毒特性。Ser125 进一步确定对 CP-vRNA 相互作用至关重要,使 PVY 病毒粒子组装成为可能。通过与化合物 C50 的竞争性结合,可以显著抑制这种相互作用。该研究增强了我们对抗 PVY 药物机制的理解,并为开发新的 CP 靶向病毒颗粒组装抑制剂提供了基础。

Although the determination of the structural basis of potato virus Y (PVY) coat protein (CP) provides the possibility for CP-based antiviral drug design, the role of many specific residues on CP in regulating virion pathogenicity is largely unknown, and fewer small-molecular drugs have been discovered to act on these potential sites. In this study, a series of derivatives of 2,2-dimethyl-2H-chromene are rationally designed by employing a molecular hybridization strategy. We screen a case of phytovirucide C50 that could form a stable H-bond with Ser125 of PVY CP to exert antiviral properties. Ser125 is further identified to be crucial for CP-vRNA interaction, enabling PVY virion assembly. This interaction can be significantly inhibited through competitive binding with compound C50. The study enhances our understanding of anti-PVY drug mechanisms and provides a basis for developing new CP-targeting virus particle assembly inhibitors.

Agrobacterium infection of PVY-GFP, agent treatment, and photographing 

The Nicotiana benthamiana plants were subjected to infestation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which carried either pCamPVY-GFP or an empty vector (mock). Following this a solution with target compound C50 (500 μg/mL), NNM (500 μg/mL), and a volume equivalent to DMSO (serving as the control) was applied via spraying onto all of the leaves. At dpai, the leaves of N. benthamiana were looked at for the GFP using a LUYOR UV light (High Intensity UV Lamp LUYOR-3410 Shanghai, China), and captured in photographs. The foliage was gathered, rapidly frozen with liquid nitrogen, and subsequently preserved in a refrigerator set at a temperature of -80 ℃. 




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Tags: 高强度紫外灯,

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